Tier 2 Application

Tier 2 Program offers incentives for the development of medium-scale green energy projects. Incentives will be granted on a competitive basis. Funding levels will not exceed 50 percent (%) of the Total Project Cost. Incentive levels vary depending upon technology, system size, and customer type. Applicants requesting funding through the Green Energy Fund must satisfy all of the eligibility and other requirements contained in the GEF Regulation and Tier 2 Reference Guide. Therefore, all parties involved in the development of a project applying to receive funding through the GEF must read and understand the GEF Regulation and Tier 2 Reference Guide.

Highlights of the GEF tier 2 program include

  • The program is competitive. The Technical Committee will select and recommend only the strongest projects for funding.
  • Allocated funds will be distributed through four funding cycles.
  • Proposals shall be submitted no later than the fifth day of each quarter.
  • A non-refundable Application Fee will be charged to apply. Please refer to the Tier 2 Reference Guide for the applicable fee amount.
  • A Reservation Guarantee is required to reserve an incentive as security for the successful completion of the project in accordance with all terms and conditions.
  • Applicants must submit required documentation, as indicated in the GEF Regulation and in the Reservation Agreement.