Green Energy Fund

The “Puerto Rico Green Energy Incentives Act” of 2010 created the Green Energy Fund (GEF) to increase green energy production and promote sustainability in Puerto Rico. Through the GEF, the Government of Puerto Rico will co-invest up to $185 million in the development of renewable energy projects on the island. Starting July 1, 2011, $20 million will be allocated to the GEF.


The Green Energy Fund offers rebates of up to 40% of the eligible costs for Tier 1 (0-100 kW) projects and up to 50% for Tier 2 (101 kW - 1 MW) projects. Tier 1 rebates for each funding cycle will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis while Tier 2 rebates will be awarded through a quarterly competitive process. Eligible technologies and the methodology to calculate the incentive amount are presented in the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Reference Guides

Apply Online

In order to begin the online Application process, you must first create an account. You may do so on the right side of this webpage. Applicants must read and fully understand the GEF Tier 1 and Tier 2 Regulation, including, but not limited to, eligibility criteria for each Tier and the roles of the Applicant and the Customer, prior to creating an account. Under no circumstances will application fees be reimbursed.

Portal sometido ante la CEE el 25 de enero de 2016: Solicitud CEE-SA-16-5857


La OEPPE informa: Se reabren las charlas restantes para participar bajo el Tier 1 del Fondo de Energía Verde. Las fechas son las siguientes: (a) 9 de noviembre de 2017 (b) 13 de noviembre de 2017 En ambos días se ofrecerán dos sesiones. La primera a las 9 am, y la segunda a las 1 pm. Los espacios son limitados. Para reservar su espacio favor de llamar 939-403-4666. Aquellas personas que reservaron previamente mediante Evenbrite, deberán llamar para indicar a que sesión interesan asistir. Esta charla es requisito para poder participar de la ventana de incentivos. La proxima ventana de incentivos habre el 6 de diciembre de 2017, a las 8:00 am. Cualquier duda relacionada al programa se pueden comunicar al 939-400-2307